Field "{{field}}" already has a default value.
Only one price can be set for "All". Please remove other modality pricing
Configuration completed successfully. The configuration will be accepted after saving.
Please make sure that all data is correct
This configuration uses custom fields that have been removed. Configuration update required.
Please verify reCAPTCHA
Verification expired. Check the checkbox again, please.
Required field
Invalid date
Please enter dates in the format
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a valid number
Please enter only alphanumeric characters
Please remove spaces
Please enter more characters
Please enter less characters
Please enter a valid phone number e.g. +18885872280
Please enter a valid phone number e.g. (888) 587-2280
Please enter valid JSON
Please enter valid RegExp
{{item}} saved.
Delete {{item}}?
Remove {{item}}?
{{item}} deleted.
{{item}} removed.
{{item}} enabled.
{{item}} disabled.
Not allowed columns: {{#columns}}{{.}}{{/columns}}
Study for patient {{patient_name}} was sent to PACS {{pacs_name}}
Please select at least one activity.
Please select at least one {{type}} activity.
Study for {{PatientName}} was shared successfully with {{destinationName}}.
Modality {{ modality }} already has a price
Password for {{ username }} has been reset
Please select at least one share.
Study shares successfully removed.
Please accept agreement
Please accept terms and conditions
{{patient}} study request status has been changed
The list of available organizations is empty. Check your organization settings.
Current price configuration uses custom fields that have been removed. Configuration updates required.